Writing service client ros

writing service client ros

We can now write the interface of the class: the methods that will be available from the outside. The first step in creating a new service is to define the service call inputs writing service client ros outputs. Note Like message-definition advantages and disadvantages of doing coursework, service-definition files are just lists writing service client ros message types. The simplest way to writing service client ros a service is to call it using the rosservice command. We can get some more information about it with rosservice info :. Finally, we make a call to rospy. The recommend use is keyword arguments as this is more robust to future message changes. The arguments are passed in the order they are defined in the service definition. If there are multiple return arguments, you can return a tuple or a list. The values in the list will be assigned to the values in the service definition, in order. You can see all available services using rossrv listall packages offering services with rossrv packagesand all the services offered by a particular package with rossrv package. Create an object of the type TriggerRequest. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.