Vb net writing windows service

vb net writing windows service

When the FileSystemWatcher finds that the file that is being watched is created it raises the Created event, exemple de business plan service a la personne which I start a new thread that will simply sleep for the specified number vb net writing windows service seconds and then vb net writing windows service if the file still exists. Jayesh Jain is working as applications consultant for a health company in Auckland, New Zealand. InitializeComponent. InteropServices namespace and add the following code to your class. Private Schedular As Timer. Note that this installer is not the same thing as a setup program, it will just add the necessary code that allows this application to be installed as a service using the InstallUtil. You can also set a user account that a service will use to log on. You should see the entries for the two actions start and stop that your service performed. AddRange new System. You can stop, pause, start, delay start, or resume each service as appropriate. The timer raises an Elapsed event at regular intervals, at which time your service can do its monitoring.