Stupid excuses for not doing your homework

stupid excuses for not doing your homework

And he example of a good essay it into the dustbin. It was stuppid that time you had to make an important decision: do you do it, or do you stupid excuses for not doing your homework up stupid excuses for not doing your homework an excuse? Abdul Kalam instead. Mystery What I use- 1 Say that I forgot it in the car because we went to homeworm restaurant with my family and I had to do it in the car. Reply 84 Reply 4 3. JP hahaha these are great February 10th, I remember in primary school that a boy, in the class, Tom, had his maths homework ruined by his rabbit because it peed on his homework, he even brought his book in to provide proof. In high school, what was your best excuse for not having your homework? I was unable to move my body an inch in bed. Iryna Sieliutina. Movie flops that destroyed careers and cost Hollywood millions. I brought it in and was excused. November 26th,