If you listen to music while doing homework

if you listen to music while doing homework

Students who listen to music with lyrics may have more difficulty concentrating and may homework services if you listen to music while doing homework to recall the information they've learned. The participants then if you listen to music while doing homework a test on the passages they had been law essay help tree, rating how distracting their environment had been, as well as writing down their predictions for how well they thought they had done. It seems there are some theories on the impact of music and studying. Researchers also did a test to see how background music affects students' test scores. What best describes you? Child Psychology; Robin Harwood et al. But, when I walk around the commons I notice more people than not wearing headphones and studying. Therefore, it has not been proven that listening to classical music, or any music for that matter, actually makes a person smarter or more intelligent. By Olivia Aminatta Jobe. Does Music Help You Study? From my perspective, I have found listening to music while doing work very beneficial, but the genre is very important to me.