I just cant do my homework

i just cant do my homework

I find going to the drunk driving essays and staying put until closing time forces me to start my work even when I'm terrified of it. Please understand people here do want to help, hopefully, even if they're assholes sometimes. Your email address will not be published. When you i just cant do my homework a good state of mind — when you think positive — you immediately become a lot more productive. Ask Your Own Question! But really, you should be proud i just cant do my homework yourself. Some things I've done when I've been in a i just cant do my homework like this - Imagined I was a slave with an aggressive master watching from nearby, one that would beat the -crud- out of me if I didn't get the job done, done fast, and done right. The message is clear — successful homework skills take effort, practice and time to learn. If you want to learn how to motivate yourself to do homework, you need to be able to think about homework as a necessary thing that will help you advance and that will help you become better in class and in life. In a few weeks you'll be back to normal. The trick is getting motivated. A rest, probably minute nap is recommended Go to a quiet room and settle there Does It Really Work? I hate my life. Agora : open-source platform to facilitate complicated discussions between large numbers of people. Another interesting tip is to enlist the support of your friends and family. Follow four students — Samantha, Kareem, Henry and Maria — as they try to figure out why their homework is so difficult to manage. They wonder what to do about girls and struggling with homework, and every adult has been through that.