Doing homework while drunk

As if giving you a spark of inspiration wasn't enough, moderate alcohol consumption can doing homework while drunk keep your brain sharp over time. Want something on the cooler side that's also packed with Vitamin Doing homework while drunk Another study conducted on alcohol in found ethanol another word for alcohol helps the neurons in doing homework while drunk brain "[protect] against the development of dementia in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. When looking at the OSPAN test, researchers found that the men who stayed sober performed better on the test the second time around. To test this out, they recruited 40 men to take a few tests. A lot of doctors even say one glass of wine a day even has some health benefits. We don't have to tell you there's no worse feeling than rolling into class really hungover with your brain totally fried and your stomach in a dangerously fragile state. I remember learning in psychology your memory recall will work more efficiently if you are in a similar environment and state of mind. ThursdayApril 2 Answer Save. Alcohol can make you smarter. I was always drunk. Hell, I remember my chem classes.