Doing a literature review in education

doing a literature review in education

This will save you time. It is much more than a summary educaation all the related literature. Keep track of your searches! Practice Read Abstract 1. Having a lot of literature to doing a literature review in education on can feel overwhelming. The doing a literature review in education of the Study Guide is the literature review within a dissertation or a thesis, but many of the ideas are transferable to other kinds of writing, such as an extended roing, or examples of expository essay topics report. Keeping reviw record of your search strategy is useful, to prevent you duplicating effort by doing the same search twice, or missing out a significant and relevant sector of literature because you think you have already done that search. With small-scale writing projects, the literature review is likely to be done just once; probably before the writing begins. Read Abstract 1. You can find the contact details for the Information Librarian for your own area via the Library web pages. Guidance on conducting a systematic literature review. Ploughing a little-known furrow as a novice researcher is going to be very difficult, and you may find it difficult to get much support or help. Increasingly, examiners at post-graduate level are looking for the detail of how you chose which evidence you decided to refer to. It is essential to check that you have constructed your synthesis well, and with sufficient supporting evidence. You need to be ready to cross out whole paragraphs or even whole sections if they do not pass the above tests. This book is a practical guide for students who need help in progressing from the decision to write a dissertation to the planning, writing and defending of it. Buckingham: Open University. Previous: Preface.